
Watch Movie 43 Online

Watch Movie 43 online, title not reveals anything, but attention... Wonder Woman has an affair with Batman, the next day he disappears and leaves it alone. It will not be so it well, this neglect will cost expensive bat man. The situation derail to such an extent that it will lead to the subsequent madness and "sentimental" persecuted by the heroine, which will try to regain his love 'at all costs'. She is Leslie Gibb ('Iron Man', 'Nip/Tuck' series), he is Jason Sudeikis ('letter Blanca', 'how to break your head').

Watch Movie 43 online is also the history of Superman, with marital problems and compulsive smoker, reluctant to compromise and unable to understand with Lois Lane. They are Bobby Carnavale ('The other two', ' Win win') and Uma Thurman (Kill Bill). But there is more. There appears Kristen Bell (from the series 'Gossip Girl' and 'Veronica Mars') as Supergirl, Justin Long ('the jungle 4.0') as a Robin addicted to the speed dates, John Hodgman, making the Pinguino . Also go, if I have forgotten to mention it, Richard Gere, Hugh Jackman, Naomi Watts, Emma Stone, Gerard Butler, Kate Winslet, Josh Dushamel, Anna Faris or Kate Bosworth among others.

Putting everything in order, Watch Movie 43 online are 11 stories based on superheroes with tumultuous sentimental procedures, problem gambling and/or several sociopathies, stress... Each segment is directed by a different Director, where we can find from the archness of Peter Farrelly, passing through the 'converted' actress Elizabeth Banks up to the, often tasteless, Brett Ratner.

Relativity Media wants to release in April 2012 in United States. I do not think that you are going to miss this movie and will watch movie 43 online for free here.